4055 Valley View Ln
Dallas, TX, 75244
Questions? We have answers.
Dallas, TX, 75244
Questions? We have answers.
This is an overview of Vitalliance’s solutions and services. We provide both the innovative technology for transformation, as well as the support to manage and coach local teams to proficiency. We give powerful and flexible solutions, backed by comprehensive services like training to ensure successful change.
Basic inventory visibility model
Visibility enables analytics for inventory control and proactive management to avoid stock outs, overstocking and to reduce waste from expired stock.
Alert Management
The base inventory visibility model will enable initial transparency and accountability. Business rules can be built to enable alerts and a rapid response to address them. Prioritized business key performance indicators in the supply chain are identified and business rules established to alert identified resources of potential risks. Alerts are tracked, investigated for action and route cause analysis
Operational Execution
Building on the alert management systems the solution is enabled to orchestrate actions to minimize and help you manage business risks. The system enables decision making and orchestration for processes such as order placing- fast tracking, slowing down or cancelling orders.
We jointly work with the client team during the design, build, and run phases of a project to speed learning and the transfer of skills.
We deploy our visibility and analytical enabled tried and tested technology applying the following approach
Speed of solution and deployment
Cost effective
The Humanitarian Aid Network is a patient-centric network, providing visibility and collaboration across extended and complex supply chains. It can be used by Donors, Ministries of Health, Pharmaceutical Suppliers, Faith-Based, and Private Sector organizations.
The Logistics Management Information System (LMIS) is part of a complete solution to support transformation of the supply chain. Vitalliance partners with clients offering services from our African Support Centre services, and leveraging the One Network Humanitarian Aid Network.
Our Africa Support Centre (ASC) is set up to collaborate, and coach client teams to build local talent for long term ownership and operational responsibility. We work alongside the relevant communities to support the design, build and operate operating of supply networks.
Learn more about Vitalliance’s comprehensive solutions and services for the Humanitarian Aid and Pharmaceutical Supply Chains.